Monday, January 28, 2008

Sisterly Love

Hello interpeeps! Did you miss me? I missed you. I've been in bed for a few days feeling so bad that I didn't even feel like checking in with my blog buddies. You know it must have been BAD if it kept me away from here, cause I love you people like a fat kid loves cake (and that's sayin' a lot).

I finally pulled my miserable self out of bed earlier today and walked through the house. That was a big mistake. I promptly screamed and ran back to bed and hid under the covers. You should have seen the place! Cave yourself up in your room for a few days and a renegade band of outlaw tornadoes bust in and destroy the place. Either that or my kids made the mess. The investigation is still underway.

While I was helping the CSI team look for evidence I came across a bunch of wadded up paper towels in both of the girl's rooms. Upon closer inspection I discovered that the paper towels contained messages. Apparently the girls were throwing notes back and forth to each other across the hall. I thought I'd share a few of the notes. Get your tissue ready and behold my daughters' idea of sisterly love.

From Brookie (age 7) to Lauren (age 13)

Love you some. You can get all on my nerves, but still I love you. but I think of you in my head sometimes and it is not good.

Love you,


From Lauren to Brookie

Well me too, but sometimes I just want to slap you in your face, but I don't because I love you.

Love you!

Makes a mama proud.


Anonymous said...

That's adorable. There's nothing like sisters...

Jackie said...

These notes are 'keepers'. Save them forever (or at least until your girls are grown). It's sentiments like these that can get me all teary-eyed!

Anonymous said...

LOL thats too cute!

Tammie said...

i'm glad you are back in the land of the living! i had a brother so i really don't know how to girl fight with words...we fought with fists. then in college i stayed with two girl cousins for a semester and was shocked at the drama.

best of luck

Jackie said...

missed you yesterday at FWF!! Hope you are feeling much better...

Anonymous said...

Not only are the notes "keepers" as in_spired said....they are "framers". You need to frame them and put them somewhere so you can see them when you need a smile...and when you need to remind them that they really DO love each other!

Jackie said...

for rdavis:

I NEVER thought about framing! I have one that I'll frame today!

(this is what I l.o.v.e. about blogging...interaction among total strangers!)

Oh, btw, Christy! Hope you're feeling better!! *smiles*

Unknown said...

Dang I was gonna say you better keep those and put them in a scrapbook or maybe a shadowbox, but two someones & smartypants already thought of that. That's what I get for being late.

Those girls of yours are priceless treasures.

Tammie said...

Hey Sister...just wanted you to know that I'm thinkin of you and praying for you! That's what sisters do and you are my spiritual sister! Let me know if you need A THING! I mean it!
Love you,

Jackie said...'re also mine!

You're in my prayers...

Momofthree said...

You and your family are in my prayers. I pray that God gives each one of you the strength that you need to make it through this difficult time.