Thursday, January 17, 2008


I have an addiction and I humbly ask that you not judge me too harshly when you hear what it is. Okay. Here it goes. I'm just going to blurt it out real quick like...

I love American Idol.


There. I said it. Please don't forsake me in this season of tv viewing weakness.

It was because of this undying love that I found myself in a bit of a dilema when I realized that the second night of American Idol was airing at the same time as our youth meeting at church (which I volunteer to help with). I am ashamed to say that I was actually momentarily torn about what to do. It didn't help that Lauren was begging me to let her stay home and watch.

You'll be glad to know that I did make the right decision and told Lauren that we had to go to church. That brought forth much crying and gnashing of teeth.

Lauren wasn't all that thrilled either.

But I told her that the Bible clearly says that thou shall have no other idols before God. Hello. The show is called American IDOL. My choice was made for me thousands of years ago and my hands were tied.

So we went to church and are oh so proud that we persevered through this trying and tempting time in our lives. And we shall be rewarded in the great by and by.

Personally I am asking God to make sure Taylor Hicks isn't allowed to preform in heaven, but hey, we all have our own ideas about the rewards of heaven.


Llama Momma said...

Tivo would change your life.


Christy said...

I know! Would you PLEASE tell my husband that? He so doesn't get how badly we need it.

Anonymous said...

TIVO is the greatest! Tell him that he would NEVER have to miss a game again!!!!

Jax said...

Will you please add William Hung to that list too??? I know it's all a "joyful" noise...but noise none-the-less!
I am hooked on IDOL....course the biggest tragedy for me was when Chris Doughtry got the boot *sigh* but it worked out for him in the end!

Jackie said...


I have a blogging 'friend' who was supposed to begin a new blog on Jan. 15 called American Idol 4-Ever. The blog is set up but he hasn't posted yet. If and when he does, I think you will be entertained greatly! He hasn't posted on his other blog in over a month (which is very unlike him) I hope everything is o.k. with him/his family.'re just one among thousands and thousands who are addicted!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love Idol...

Tag-You're it!

joyfuljourney said...

I agree...TIVO or DVR would give you so much freedom! No more anguish over making the right choices, no more having to deny your firstborn something that obviously brings great joy into her life...and yours!

Of course, you should use the game aspect when trying to convince Dave. He would never have to make the terrible mistake of choosing a college football game over Game Night again!