Monday, May 5, 2008


Brookie and I made the eight hour round trip to Dallas to see the pediatric Urologist today. I couldn't wait to go so that I could find out what was wrong with her and stop worrying so much. Unfortunately I didn't find out anything. This doctor is sending her to two other doctors. One is a nephrologist (kidney specialist) and one is a GI doctor (abdominal specialist I think). The only thing I really learned was that there was still protein in her urine and that sometimes people just have that for no reason and it is nothing to worry about. We have to go to the nephrologist to find out if Brookie is one of those people. I can't wait to tell my boss that I have to miss even more work. That should be fun.

The good news is that the 'spells' of sickness and pain are getting farther and farther apart. She made it most of the day Saturday without getting sick. We walked all over an art festival in Austin and she had no problems. It wasn't until later that night at the One Act Play contest (where we placed second...woohoo) that she started throwing up again.

While we were at the festival Brookie had a caricature done of herself. She loves this picture. She thinks it is so cool to know what she'd look like if she were a cartoon. I told her if anyone should be in the funny papers it is her! Here is the picture she had drawn:

I won't know the dates for the other two appointments until tomorrow. I will be sure and let everyone know how they go. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes!


Jax said...

Well the drawing is almost as cute as she is....I am glad you both had a safe trip to Dallas and back! Does Lauren (sorry Brookie I know this is your post, but I gotta ask and am to lazy to send an email at the momemnt!)have any pictures of Indian Paintbrushes? The flower I mean, not of an actual Indian painting....??? I need a two or three...would even be willing to hire her for some! Do you think I am retarded yet?? Well you see...Taffy's favorite flower is the indian paintbrush, wants them on her casket someday, and well God forbid something ever happen to her in the winter time, I had to promise her to hold off the funeral till the indian paintbrushes bloomed...and well I don't wanna be in charge of that if I had some pictures of them well...I would sorta be holding up my end of the bargan...LOL I KNOW! I am TWISTED. Seriously though...I want to frame them and give them to her for her birthday, bc I am a cheap friend like that! No hurry getting them to me, her b-day isn't until September, but I am not sure how much longer they are in season...I don't even know if they grow there. ramblings have taken over your comment box! Again....the drawing of Brookie is TOO CUTE!

Llama Momma said...

I'm sorry there was nothing *concrete* to go on.

One of my good friends is in the hospital right now with an "unknown" lung problem...and this on the heels of cancer. It's very, very hard to not know what's happening. Because she's obviously sick.

I am praying for Brook this morning.

Blessings to you!

John Deere Mom said...

First of all, that drawing is way adorable and I want her hair! :)
Secondly, hope everything goes well with your next appointments and that you find out for sure that everything is okay. :)

Jackie said...

All of you are in my thoughts.

Love you, Christy!!!