Monday, May 12, 2008


Here are a few more pictures taken by Lauren. I may have posted the picture of Madame Dog already. It is one of my favorites. It always makes me smile. I can imagine how Lauren looked trying to lay under that squatty little dog just to take that shot.

I can't believe it is less than a week until we leave for Seattle. I am both excited and nervous. I am nervous because I have met some other mothers of children with Cushing's Disease so I have a pretty good idea of what is in store for Lauren this week. It won't be a fun week for her. In fact it will be a really rough week. Of course I am excited because this is the first big step on the path to Lauren's cure. She has been sick for so long. To the outside observer one would think she was healthy. She doesn't whine or carry on about her pains, seizures or the mental effects of her illness. She puts on a happy face and does her best to enjoy each day. She deserves a normal, healthy life. She shouldn't have to fight for that, no child should have to fight for their basic health.

I spent a lifetime of watching my sister fight to feel good...a lifetime that at times seemed like a hundred lifetimes. She fought hard and was always a positive person, even in the most difficult of times. I see a lot of her in Lauren. Lauren dreams of her often at night. She loves these dreams. It makes her feel close to her Aunt Noo Noo. Sometimes I think Shanna is coming to visit Lauren in her dreams to help her through this rough time. That sounds like something she would do. She loved the girls so much.

I wish she would visit me too. I really miss her.


Jax said...

Okay that totally made me cry....I know shocker...since i am a crybaby and all......Yaknow I used to dream of Granny all the time, even before she died, but i have only dreamed of her a few times since Braxty-boy was born...isnt that weird???
I remember missing her terribly more then usual while we spent that month in the NICU with Braxty-boy, longing for her wisdom, and I like to think the if she would of still been alive, she would of come to the city the day they took him....Here I go on a ramble, when I got pregnant with Hoss-man I was a tiny bit sad, bc Pa was gone, bc no one loved babies as much as he did, and remembering how he would light up, when a new one entered the family, but to me Granny made up for it, she was just as thrilled with the babies as he took me having Hoss-man to realize Pa was a baby
So anyway back to my reason for commenting, there are two reasons that could cause my not dreaming of Granny anymore/or as often....1. Since having Braxty-boy, I am so exhausted from all his lively-ness that I am too exhausted to dream or @. Someomne else is hogging her at night.....Maybe Lauren needs her Aunt Noo Noo more then you need her right now...... We all know she loved those girls as much as she loved you, and I dont think that changes......ever!
Anyway I am going to hush now....I love you guys and will be thinking of you always!

John Deere Mom said...

Good luck in Seattle. I hope you get the answers you need. Have a safe trip!