Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Bottoms and Blessings

We had quite a bit of hullabaloo and excitement at our little elementary school today. The tornado siren went off in the midst of an awful storm. We have no basement in our school so we lined up all our precious little children in the hallways and had them bend over facing the walls and cover their heads with a book.

Yeah, I know. It's the best we can do in an emergency. Well, that and pray.

I don't get too nervous during storms, but at one point things looked pretty bad out the double doors of the school and I wondered if rows and rows of tiny butt cracks would be the last thing I'd ever see.

What?? What did you expect from hundreds of bend over children? All you could see of them was their cracks. It looked like the Texas Public School of Plumbing. All we needed was a few tool belts and some training in the art of overpricing.

No offense to the plumbers out there (or their cracks).

Although while we are on the subject of cracks (how did that happen again?) I'd like to make a suggestion. If you happen to be a plumber and you go out knowing full well that your crack will be making an appearance then might I suggest a little big of waxing? Naked crack is one thing, but naked crack with hair...well, that's a whole other (furry) animal.


What was I saying again? Oh yes, the tornado. We were blessed and the tornado missed our town and our school. We had a few power lines and trees down, but nobody was hurt (that I know of). The Lord is so good.

And now on to other important things.

Like my hair. It was pouring down rain when I got out of the shower this morning so I decided to just let it dry naturally. I have naturally curly (aka frizzy) hair so it is a big fat waste of time to fix it on a rainy or humid day. No matter how much I blow dry and straighten it, it still tries to go curly on me. So instead of fighting with it today, I just let it curl. I didn't think it looked all that least I didn't think it was all that bad until I got to school.

You'd have thought I'd grown a moustache and changed my name to Frank. They giggled. They stared. They pointed. They fainted.

Okay. I made that last one up. But they really did act shocked and somewhat appalled. One little third grader said, "Your hair is really too curly for me, but it works for you." I said, "It's not a new hairstyle. It will be back to normal tomorrow," and she was sooo relieved. She let out a huge breath and said, "Oh thank goodness."

So you live and learn. Today's lessons:

1. If you have a hairy crack, be sure and wax it. You never know when there is going to be a tornado. (Unless of course you are a plumber, in which case you can dress however you want and charge whatever you please).

2. Do not wear your hair in big, frizzy curls. This isn't the eighties.

3. I work with a wonderful group of women who put the safety of the children in their classes before their own safety without giving it a second thought.

4. I am blessed.


Tammie said...

LOVE BROOKLYN'S PIC! And thanks for NOT posting pics on this post! tahaha

And as for hair! My last cut was a shortie britches! One FWF's said, "Miss Tammie, your haaair is stickin' straight up!"

Another asked, "What happened to you?" I replied that I got a hair cut...he said that's good. Then he rambled on about the time his sister got a 'boy' hair cut!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the love of PETE!

Anonymous said...

"I wondered if rows and rows of tiny butt cracks would be the last thing I'd ever see." Totally LMAO at this one. Thanks for the chuckles.

Jax said...

I remember doing that during a tornado test (when we lived in Ga). Leon and Turner had cellars....weird huh? Just be thankful, it wasn't right after lunch on bean day!
We almost went to the cellar yesterday, we made it across the flooded yard, then the sun came out, and the storm crept east of us...thank the Lord for that one, except Braxty-boy wasn't happy about it at all....actually he was all out devistated, he cried and cried...the dream of my lil baby is for a "tormato" to hit our house! I tell him one runs thruough it every day...just go look at his room, only "tormatos" can do that kind of damage.....for some reason he doesn't believe me!

Llama Momma said...

Hilarious! And sweet, too. :-)

John Deere Mom said...

I am glad tiny butt cracks were the worst thing you saw during the storm. Could have been flying cows. :)