Sunday, May 11, 2008

If I was any more thankful you'd have to stuff me for Thanksgiving

I took Brooklyn to the Nephrologist on Friday and things went very well. He doesn't think anything major is wrong (thank You God!), but sent her to the hospital for a renal ultrasound just in case. If nothing shows up amiss on the ultrasound he wants us to try six weeks of bladder retraining. He thinks she is never fully emptying her bladder and that is allowing bacteria to grow and I guess causing some type of protein to be there. So all we have to do is make her tinkle twice in the morning (about twenty minutes apart), twice around lunch and twice before bed. This is so she will learn what it feels like to have her bladder totally empty. Then we just go back and see if the protein is gone. If it's not, we start back at square one and look for a different answer. I have my fingers crossed that this is all that was wrong and we have nothing serious to deal with.

She hasn't been throwing up anymore either. That stopped a day before the Nephrologist appointment. Since she was feeling better I called and canceled Monday's appointment with the GI guy in Dallas. I can always get another appointment if the problem starts up again.

Whew! One sick child better and one to go. We leave next Sunday morning for Seattle. I am getting very nervous. She is going to have some pretty tough tests next week and I just pray, pray, and pray some more that they find everything they need to set up her surgery.

I have to share the most amazing thing with you guys. On Thursday before we left for my mom's house we checked the mail and there were three cards in there. The first was signed by our Sunday school class members and there was 1200.00 in it. The second was signed by another lady in our church (and really said that...'and others') and it had 750.00 in it. The last wasn't signed at all and it had 300.00 in it.


God is so good ya'll. I totally didn't know how we were going to make it through this month after buying the Seattle tickets. Then there has been all the driving back and forth to Dallas with Brookie (at a hundred dollars a trip), all of Lauren's medications, and other expenses that were just making me a nervous wreck. I was trying my very hardest to trust in God and not fret, but this is by far my biggest weakness. I just worry myself sick over things instead of having faith and trusting that God will meet our needs. I have no idea why I do this. He has never once let us down, but still I worry.

Dave is going to stand up at church Sunday and thank everyone, but I want to say it here too.

THANK YOU ALL! Thank you so very much. I cried when I opened the cards. Dave teared up. Lauren stood there with her mouth hanging open, just amazed that people cared that much about her to do this. Brookie asked for a hundred dollar bill. Sorry! Three out of four grateful hearts isn't bad though!

I know God is going to pour blessings down on each of you, just as you've blessed us.


Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like I don't have to wish you a Happy Mother's Day! (You've already got it covered.) I'm happy for you :)

Anonymous said...

Aren't people so generous and kind?!? When dad had melonoma of the iris this summer and had to fly to Philadelphia to have it (eye) removed, we had people come through for us was very heartwarming. Thank goodness Brookie is we will pray for Lauren to get good yall!

Jax said...

That is so amazing Christy, and hun if the tables were turned, you would do the exact same thing! NO doubts about it. Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day.

joyfuljourney said...

That's right, JAX. Christy is such a giver. A GENEROUS giver. And now the giver is learning to receive!

As a big fan of LOST, I'm a little disturbed there are "others" in our church! Very weird!

Seriously, you are a blessing! I love your family and I'm gonna miss you next week!

John Deere Mom said...

What a wonderful support system you have. That is the kind of story we don't hear about enough. Thank you so much for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I'm still laughing about the title and "the others" comment. And I would make another comment about "others" but it wouldn't come out right. I know this because I already typed it and it didn't come out right, so I deleted it...But anyway, you people are too funny.

But seriously, Christy & Dave would do the same if notmore for anyone they could.You both already give so much back to the children and young people of our community.We are blessed because your family is here.

Anonymous said...

Christi, you make me laugh AND cry. I love reading your blog because you have such a great sense of humor. I will be praying for you guys this week. Wilma