Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Teacher Tales

When we got home from Wichita the other day we found a package of baby bottles in one of our Walmart bags. None of us picked them up and we had no idea where they came from. Maybe it's a sign from above. I certainly hope not. If God thinks I am going to have another baby He is barking up the wrong uterus. We are done. D. O. N. E.

I might have to delete that last statement. I don't want to be struck down by lightening for being flippant with God...or worse, struck down with triplets.

I was kidding anyway, more children would not upset me. It's Dave that would freak (hear that God? Strike HIM down with triplets, not me. Spread the saggage around. He'd look great with saggy man-boobs).

As for me, I adore children. They make me laugh. Just this week there was a picture of a hamster in a book at school and this little girl said, "That's where my uncle lives, New Hamster."

Get it? New HAMSTER. Only she wasn't kidding and how can you not love that? I still smile every time I think about it.

And then there was this sweet little fourth grader that I tutored in math over the summer. I worked with her quite a bit this school year as well. She is such a doll and she was worrying herself sick over the Math TAKS test. So yesterday I took a necklace that a good friend gave me for my birthday to school with me.
Here is a picture of it:

That little dot in the middle is a mustard seed. Well, I pulled her from class before the test and told her the Bible said that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. I told her I wanted her to wear the necklace during the test and that when she started doubting herself she was to rub it to remind herself to have faith!

Her mom told me that later that day she said that the test was really hard and that she kept rubbing and rubbing my necklace, but that God never did tell her a single answer! I guess I failed at explaining the purpose of the necklace!

I could tell stories like this all day long. I am so blessed to have a job that lets me work with such amazing children all day long. Then I get to come home to two amazing girls of my own!

Just think of the fun I'll have after Dave has the triplets!


Llama Momma said...

"struck down with triplets..." I love it!!!

Tammie said...

saggage!!!!!!!!!!! so that's what it is???

John Deere Mom said...

You are too sweet letting that sweet girl wear the necklace. When I am teaching my class the states and capitals, I try to give them a visual for each one. So when we get to New Hampshire, we discuss what the Concorde was and then I have them imagine a Nude Hamster on a plane. They NEVER forget that one!

Anonymous said...

Don't you wish you had a nickel for every story you could tell?!

Anonymous said...

I actually know someone who has a 1year old and is expecting triplet! Here is a link to her blog.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, Dave with saggy man boobs and a belly full of triplets, that would be something to see. lol.

Getting to work with kids is a such a privilege and joy. And the funny things they say, and the great stories they tell, and all the interesting things you hear about their homelives...Wait what have my kids told you?!?!?

joyfuljourney said...

Do you really the man who cried and whined last weekend while someone ELSE was taking care of his pain-stricken daughter could actually handle the gestation of triplets!

Maybe he should just stick to the things he's good at!

I know what you mean about kids making you laugh! Like last week when Brooklyn spent the night...just kidding! Dustin says something every day that cracks me up (and of course, my own boys do too). The other day, Dustin said, "My mom got a bike!" "Oh really, has she been riding it?" "Yeah, and she didn't fall in the grass!"

For another good laugh, just check out the pictures of the "little mans" on my latest post. You'll love it!

joyfuljourney said...

That was supposed to be "do you really THINK..."
