Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sleepless in Texas

Boy howdy, being a mom can plum tucker a gal out! Brookie got sick Friday evening and by the middle of Saturday night she was really sick. The night was filled with much tossing and turning and screaming and crying and whining about not being able to sleep.

And then after I told Dave to go sleep in another room, there was still Brookie to deal with.

Oh I'm kidding. Dave didn't scream.


Finally on Sunday we decided to take Brookie to the ER. That is something I never do. I'm not one of those moms that runs off to the ER every time one of the kids sneezes or wheezes. I was really worried about Brookie though. She cried and writhed around for almost five hours during the night Saturday night holding her stomach like a porcupine was fighting it's way out of her belly button. Plus she hadn't kept a bit of food or drink down for 48 hours.

It turns out she just has a nasty virus. Praise God it wasn't something serious! Unfortunately there was still a high level of protein in her urine, but we already knew about that and we are getting it checked out with a specialist on May 5 in Dallas. So we are back home and she is still feeling poorly, but hopefully she will be well by morning.

I have even more to praise God about. Dr. Ludlam called Friday and told us that Lauren would be coming out to Seattle the week of May 19. She will be staying at the hospital five nights and will have a whole host of tests run. We are very hopeful that they'll find all that they need to refer her for surgery. Maybe by the end of the summer she'll be all better. Man that would be great!

You hear that God? We'd like Lauren better by the end of the summer. That's THIS summer. The summer of 2008.

That would be great. Thanks God.

(I'll be sure and pray that prayer, just in case God doesn't read my blog). (But I totally know He does.)


Anonymous said...

Poor thing; that Brookie. I'm keeping you in my prayers, but I'm glad God reads your blog, too.

John Deere Mom said...

Hope both your girls are feeling okay!