Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I thought I'd post some pictures that were actually in focus to make up for the dreadful phone pictures I posted yesterday. My oldest daughter loves to go off into the wild blue and spend hours looking at the world through the lens of one of her cameras. When she returns from one of her little picture taking ventures I am always impressed and it's not with the pictures (though they are very good, especially considering she's had zero training). What impresses me is her perspective. She can find beauty in any setting and every time I look at a new crop of her photographs I am reminded of what an awesome God we serve.

The fact the Ren is the one that sees the beauty so clearly is a double blessing. Many people would have started viewing the world with cynicism after going through open heart surgery, a brain tumor, epilepsy and all the other things she has had to fight through in her young life. She is a remarkable and amazing young lady and I will stop being a sappy mom now and post the darn pictures. She took these when she was ten. She's even better now, but these are the only pictures of hers I have saved on this computer.


Anonymous said...

Your correct, she takes amazing pictures very beautiful! Course what do you expect out of her?? She is seriously gorgeous, I love her smile! Your very lucky my dear you have got two beautiful and very talented bright girls!
Pretty sure they take after Mom with those traits right??

Momofthree said...

Wow, those are great pictures! I'm impressed with her talent.

joyfuljourney said...

"...she's a remarkable and amazing young lady..."

I completely agree!!!

Christy said...

Thanks you guys!!! Guess what else my AMAZING daughter did today?? She came to me and asked me to help her ask Jesus into her heart. She said she's been praying about the decision for a long time and didn't want to do it out of fear of hell, but instead out of a love for Christ. She said she felt closer to God than ever and wanted to say the prayer!

Can I just say I am so proud???