Friday, December 14, 2007

Brain Cramps, Zits and Depends

Dave loves the Bourne movies, but we never managed to make it out to the theaters to see the last one, Bourne Ultimatum. I surprised him by bringing home the DVD. We are watching it now.

Translation: He is watching it and I am sitting here really confused.

While I wait for the movie to end so Dave can explain it to me I thought I'd spend some quality babble time with my blog. Action packed spy movies may make my brain cramp, but I can babble with the best of 'em.

My first order of babble news is to tell you that my husband forgot to pick up our youngest child yesterday while I was gone to a UIL academic event. Yes, this is the same husband that is smart enough to comprehend the Bourne Triology without falling onto the floor with brain spasms and begging for a sedative or the NFL Network (oh wait, those are the same thing). Apparently remembering to pick up our seven year old daughter (after I called to remind him) (twice) was more than he could handle. She was there long after every teacher left. That is how long it took the man to remember his child.

I was not happy.

Thank God our janitor is such a wonderful man. He stayed with her and waited for someone to remember that they were a parent.

Another thing that happened while I was at the UIL meet was that I almost turned back into a teenager. At least I thought I was turning back into a teen because I went to the bathroom and noticed not one, but two zits on my chin. Teens get zits, so when I saw them I decided that must mean I was turning back into a teen. I was pumped at the thought of being a teen again.

Then I looked at my boobs for a quick does of reality (defiantly not teen boobs).

Then I looked at my butt for further proof that I was most certainly still OLD.

And finally I looked to see if the super hair was still growing on my chin. (I say super because that sucker gets plucked every day and by the next evening it is growing back. If I could harness the amazing growing powers in that one little hair I would sell them to Hair Club for Men, cure all the baldness in the world and make a fortune). It was still there. Sigh. Excuse me while I go soak my teeth and eat some prunes.

Okay I am back. Where was I? Oh yes, I was babbling. I would stay and babble some more but I am afraid those prunes will kick in soon and I am almost out of depends.

Plus I have zits to pop, even though I am clearly old and not a teen.

Life is so not fair.


Momofthree said...

Sorry about your child not getting picked up. As I read your post, I was trying to remember where I was on Thursday or how I didn't notice that she was roaming around in the building! Then I remembered that I wasn't at school b/c I was tending to my sick son at home. I would have been glad to take her somewhere or kept her (but if this stuff at my house is contagious ...the virus...and the appliance wouldn't have wanted her here anyway!!)

Thank goodness for our wonderful super-man janitor. He is great! By the way, check out the greeting card that he posted in our workroom! It has him in that silly super-man costume from that day in August when we honored him! Even after our bad week, I laughed a lot when I saw that card!

Aren't zits and facial hair just ridiculous??? Men don't have these troubles...or they are just too 'one-thing-on-the-brain' minded to notcie things like that!!

Hope you have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

We should have been there...I could have watched Jason Bourne with David and you and Crystal could have talked boys...I LOVE Jason Bourne and the Bourne Trilogy! Tell Dave that I saw it on the big screen (which as you know, I seldom go to the movies) and it was awesome!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the child not getting picked up thing. Mine can't remember when to drop them off at events, even after I tell him twenty eleven times. I find it strange that he has no problem making them late for something but if he is late OMG the world may end.

Also, I have had more zits since May than in the other 34 1/2 years combined. WTH?

Anonymous said...


I knew you were a teacher and that you liked to read. So how is it that I never knew you were also a very gifted writer. You have what I would term the passion of the pen. Every thing in your blog was written with so much elegance, humor, detail, and love that I could not help but laugh and cry my way through it. I hope this message finds you and fills your heart with as much love as your very words have filled mine with this day.

Your sometimes
(Most times) less thoughtful brother Chad

PS Tell Lauren that I enjoy our talks and love her pictures and tell Brooklyn that I didn’t think
that they could catch an angel on
film until I saw her picture on the
begining of this blog. Love to all and happy holidays.