Monday, June 9, 2008

If the Holy Land really was holey...

it would probably be made out of boxes and look a little something like this:

Only hopefully a little less crooked. What can I say? I'm no architect. Plus those permanent markers can put off some mighty strong fumes. Is getting high still wrong if you are getting high for Jesus?

Kidding! I wasn't high at all! Just ask the pink elephants with mohawks and hula skirts that flew in through the window while I was working, they'll totally tell you that I was NOT high.


Okay, I'll stop now. I am really kidding and I don't want to get a call from my mom. I had the door open most of the time, and while it did stink (and I did get a headache), nobody got high.

It took me several hours to make that little village for VBS. I am in charge of 'Bible Blast' where the kiddos get to become part of the Bible stories. I am really excited about the start of VBS today. I know God is going to do great things!

Speaking of VBS...remember these 'atoms' I made for the science lab? Well yesterday I was trying to load them in Dave's truck (he had my suburban) and found that only two would fit inside the truck at one time. So I went back inside with one of them, grabbed a few more items to take to the church and came back out to the truck. Only when I got back to the truck there was only ONE atom there. These things are huge and I knew for a fact that I'd put in two. Like an idiot I looked under the seat, in the back seat, and in the glove box (not really), but it was nowhere to be found.

Someone stole my atom. They stole ATOM. Can you believe that? I can't. I'm still trying to figure out some other explanation. I mean who steals an atom? Is there a big demand for atoms made of balloons out on the street that I'm not aware of?

I was pretty disgusted. Those things may look retarded, but I spent a LONG time making them. Then when I went back in to get another one to take the place of the missing atom, the wind caught it and it blew across the yard and a bunch of the balloons popped.


Things were not going well on the atom front. What in the world was going on? Maybe God was trying to save me some embarrassment by destroying my atoms.

If only He'd seen my cardboard village first, He wouldn't have bothered.


Jax said...

LOL well they were cute little atoms...sorry your lost some in transport. The village very cool as well.....God job Christy!

Jackie said...


Bible Blast was truly a 'blast'!! Thanks for your hard work and your loving relationship with all the kids. (sorry about the atoms!!)

Anonymous said...

WOW! When did you get rid of the van and get a suburban? You go girl! :)

Jax said...

Good job even....but since it was for God...guess God job works

*yes I know Imma dork*

KimmyJ said...

The village looks great and so did the atoms. We might be having the same VBS theme - my kids go in two weeks and it is a Science Lab theme - is that what y'all had?

KatBouska said...

I love the cardboard village...looks like a lot of work though. I hope you did get high. Live a little. And you can only live a little if you get high. You wanna do some drugs??

I kid. Just trying to get your mom's panties in a bunch...

and now she hates me.

Anonymous said...

But getting high that way is legal, so really what's the big deal? I mean after all you were getting high for Jesus!

I just wanted to be the first one from our little hamlet to acknowledge the getting high part of your post. winkwink. grin.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Christy said...

kimmy- yes it's the same theme. It's called power lab. Your children are going to LOVE it!!!

rdavis- we got it last summer. It's great. We really like it a lot (despite the gas prices).

jax- I thought you said 'God job' on purpose! ha ha ha

mama's losing it- are so funny!

Andi- how did I know you'd get that?? LOL...everyone else did too, but they just ignored it!

Heather said...

I often sniff sharpies during the day. That's life with twins, baby. You get it any way you can.

No, seriously, the village is incredible! Isn't VBS fun?