Monday, June 16, 2008

Celebrate good times (come on)

Wow. Has it really been three days since I posted? I'm terribly sorry inter-buddies. Terribly. I had to go out of town and then never really found a chance to write. We were some of that busy this weekend on account of the fact that Sunday was a double celebration for us.

The first occasion worth a bit of celebrating was Father's Day. We went to my parent's house this year because it was Dad's first Father's Day without Shanna and because my dad is the bestest Daddy that was ever made and don't try to argue with me cause I ain't listening. No I'm not. Should you even try to tell me otherwise I'll just stick my fingers in my ears and go la la la la la la in a most annoying manner because I know I'm right.

And because I'm mature like that.

The other happy occasion was our 17th anniversary. Yes, you read that right. Seventeenth. I'll just give you a moment to do the mental math and figure out how old I was when I got married.

If you came up with ten you are absolutely right. I was ten years old when I got married and now I am only 27 years old. Okay, not really. I was 18. It was two weeks after I graduated from high school.

No I was not pregnant!

Shame on you. Don't try to look innocent. You know you were thinking it. Actually one of the reasons I got married so young was the very reason I couldn't be pregnant. Dave is old fashioned (and I was too) and there was no hanky panky til we got married so we were in a hurry, IN A REALLY BIG HURRY PEOPLE, to get married. I'm sure you can figure out why. It's no wonder people date for so long these days...they are already having their cake and eating it too (wow that sounded dirty), but we weren't so we were sorta anxious to get the eating of the cake (I swear this isn't a dirty metaphor, get your mind out of the gutter).

Anywho, we've been married for 17 years (and I am 35, not 27...sniff, sniff). It doesn't seem possible that we've been married that long. The years have flown by and with each passing year I've grown to love Dave more and more. The older I get the more I appreciate all the wonderful, solid qualities that make him the man he is. I can honestly say that I love him more now than I did on the day we wed.

I used to think there weren't many couples who felt that way, but then I moved to this wonderful little town and joined this wonderful little church and I saw just how happy people can be in a marriage...even after 25 years...or even after 50 years! Our church family is full of couples who have stood the test of time and they are still full of joy and happiness. That inspires me. Not a Sunday goes by that I don't see one of the couples smiling in a certain way or looking at each other just so and I know that will be Dave and me some day. That makes me happy in my pants (I didn't mean it like that, there you go with your dirty mind again...geez).

I thank God for giving me a man like Dave to share my life with. I pray that my girls will find good, Godly men to share their lives with someday...

someday a long, long, LONG time from now.


Momofthree said...

Congrats on 17 years!!! Glad you had a fun weekend.

KimmyJ said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the 17 years..You are right there are quite a few of us that have those Godly men and plan on "keeping" them a long while!!!Fathers and husbands are precious and so is the "FATHER" of all Fathers!!!!Bless you and your family!!Carly

John Deere Mom said...

17 years?! Congrats!

Heather said...

That's awesome!! Congratulations and I think it's so great that you two are still so much in love. It's an amazing gift to your children.

Jax said...

Well Happy Anniversy, I still remember that hurrying to the church with you mom's van crammed to the roof with wedding stuff, so we both had to share the front seat, sorry I am sure you were squished next to me! How come no wedding photo? You were such a pretty bride, but I do have to say you were one of the prettiest, but only next to Shanna, I think she was the prettiest bride I had ever seen. Trust me I know about brides...I've done it twice LOL
Anyway hope you all had a good fathers day, inspite of everything you all have been through.
Anyway love yall!

Tammie said...

...well, they can get happy in the same pants they got unhappy. I knew what ya meant the whole time.


happy day

Anonymous said...

Yah, why not a wedding photo? I want proof that you weren't 10 when you got married! But if that were true it would make you like 13when you had Lauren, which is how old she and Baileigh are now..and I'm thinking about that and getting all oooged out! SO whatever, I'm gonna stop now.

Happy Anniversary, congratualtions, way to go, attagirl/attaboy,and hope you have many more happy and sweet and fun years together! And stay happy in your pants, there is nothing wrong with that!

joyfuljourney said...

Marriage can be so hard, especially when facing the challenges of uprooting every few years and raising a sick child. But you have handled it all with grace and devotion.

It's obvious how crazy you are about your man...and it's inspiring! Spending time with you reminds me to take care of my man a little better!

As far as the gutter goes, come on! Everyone knows how much you enjoy that part of married life, so it's natural for us to assume that you mean...well, you know!