Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'm so proud!

You have got to see what Tammie and I spent the evening doing. It is so amazingly awesome!

We were tired and hot and didn't know what we were doing, but we persevered. We even went to Buds For You (the local flower shop) and they let us use their helium tank to fill 60 balloons. They didn't even let us pay them for the helium!

You totally rock Buds For You.

Speaking of people that rock, a sweet sister from our church stopped by to tell me she'd been thinking about me and reading my blog. I looked at her and I'm sure my mouth fell open as the last few posts I'd made ran through my mind. Those of you who don't know me very well must be appalled at some of the things I say. Just so you know I am a big kidder, but it's all in fun and love. Like yesterday when I talked about the was all in jest. And the getting high thing? TOTALLY a joke...I've never been high. I've never even been drunk. So please don't be offended at my silliness. Okay? Are you pickin' up what I'm throwin' down? Are we square?

Good. I feel better. Thanks for letting me get that off my keyboard.

Okay, back to the balloons. Tomorrow is the last day of VBS so we wanted to do something special and I think the children are going to love it! Every day they put a balloon inside this beaker if they did their daily challenge (things like pray for a friend, or go for a walk and thank God for the things you see around you) and it was almost all the way full after today. So we made this awesome balloon thingie (yes, thingie...that's a technical term for us professional balloon sculptors) to make it look like their beaker was 'bubbling over'.

I don't mean to brag, but YAY US!

Know what else is worth bragging about? Around 25 children asked Jesus into their hearts today at VBS! Oh yes they did! I'm not even playin'. The actual story of Christ dying on the cross and the prayer asking them to raise their hand if they wanted Jesus in their heart happened in MY station.

No pressure there. None at all.

Yeah right.

I was a nervous wreck! For some reason saying the salvation prayer with people has always intimidated me. I think I worked through that fear today and the reward was incredible. I cried about 18 and a half buckets of happy tears today. God is so good!!!


KimmyJ said...

Looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

That is so feakin' neat! Ballons for Jaysus, or wait, how bout "Blow it up for Jaysus!" We will have to use your awesome decorating skills when it comes time to do prom in a few years...

See what I did there? I subtley let you know I hope you and Dave and the girls stick around for a long time (at least a few more years) because you guys so totally rock. I mean,if you live after this post I hope y'all stick around. Kidding! Because I think Dave said he has only read your blog twice and the 2nd time was after I made a comment about the hot picture of him you had on it...

But for serious, everyone involved with PowerLab has done such a great job. The energy, the excitement, the organization, the creativity is something to behold. What a wonderful way to show kids how much we love them and how much God loves them. WHat a blessing you all are.

And I hope I haven't offended anyone with my goofey comments on VBS. If I have I sincerely apologize. ;-)

Tammie said...

go GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

(and Miss Christy)

Momofthree said...

Thanks for all of your help this week! The balloon creation was AWESOME!

Thanks for doing Bible Missions each day. Emily loved it!!

Tammie said...

Wow, my finger nails are outstanding full, thick and strong.

We might need to buy us a bottle of that stuff! Who knows how it could be remarketed!

Christy said...

Tammie- obviously you didn't read this post before I rewrote it. I had a GREAT idea for remarketing of that stuff. Ha ha...

Andi- I changed the post so that I can stay alive. I totally don't want to die over something so small (ha ha, I crack myself up).

kimmy- thanks!

momofthree- I am so glad Emily had a good time. She is a DOLL!

Tammie said...

'small'? what could she be referring to?

~and NO i missed the raunchy version, i guess!

~we are married and SEX is in bounds and legal!!!!!! haven't you seen Kay Arthur's new bible study?

for cryin' out loud!!! (i didn't mean that! i'm a lights off, don't talk kinda girl) GET YOUR BALLOON SOLUTION OUT OF THE GUTTER!!!