Friday, June 6, 2008

The post without a point

I'm bored.

How was that for an interesting start to a post? My girls are out of town and living it up at Nana's and I am home alone. I should be jumping for joy and living it up myself, but I pretty much just miss them. They ARE my joy. Without them I don't really feel like jumping.

So to pass the time I decided to write a post. Then I sat here thinking and realized that I don't have a thing to post about without my kids around. How sad is that? They are the Drama in Mama of a Whole Lotta Drama. Just about the only excitement around here was me trying a new kind of pizza...spinach and portabella mushroom pizza...only I am skeptical about the pizza part because it was square. Pizzas should be round, not square. There is something just wrong about a square pizza.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

I'm so bored that I miss school already. I miss the kids and the hundreds of times a day they make me smile. Like the other day when I was walking down the hall and this cute little fourth grader named Kellen walked by. He was dripping sweat and his little face was bright red. He looked like he was about to melt so I said, "Wow Kellen, you look hot." He looked right at me and without missing a beat said, "thank you." It took me a moment to realize that he thought I was calling him in HOT (I'm getting old and there is a language barrier developing between me and the kiddos). I laughed and told him that I meant he looked hot from the sun outside and he said, "Oh. Yeah, it is hot outside." How can I not love my job?

I just hope he didn't go home and tell his mama that I was hitting on him. I gave up hitting on fourth graders, oh...back when I was in the fourth grade. Or at least when I got married. That totally put a crimp in my fourth grade love affairs.

And in conclusion to this exciting post filled with fourth grade mix-ups and freaky square pizzas I will share with you the new wallpaper on my laptop. I love it.


Anonymous said...

Cute. I know a good place to check out online. It's called: I found it yesterday. They review blogs and are very entertaining. I found some great new blogs to add to my reader.

You could also check out Cre8buzz, which I am still enamoured with after more than a month. My page is

Lastly, my post from today is VERY funny!!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

Tammie said...

Wow....i'm sooo glad you now have a balloon fetish to occupy your boredom. hehe