Saturday, June 7, 2008

Science was never my thing

I spent a good part of the morning making atoms out of balloons (well, a blonde's version of an atom) for VBS and let me tell ya, it wasn't easy. Those suckers are complicated! I totally gotta give God some props for creating the real deal!

Go God!

You rock!

Way to make the universe!!

Here is a picture of some of my 'atoms'. Aren't they adorkable?

Yeah, I know. I think this pretty much proves that God isn't a blonde.


KimmyJ said...

Wow! That looks great. I love the wallpaper below. I cracked up this morning when I saw that little guy with his chubby fist!

John Deere Mom said...

Girl...that is crazy! How did you do the twisty, holdy balloons? My class made them this year with candy. It rocked!

Tammie said...

your awesome by the way!!!!!!!!!! i'm tired, but your awesome! see you bright and early!

Heather said...

Oh my stars!! Those are amazing! You are very powerful, making atoms and all.