Friday, March 14, 2008

My trashcan hates me

It's true. The trashcan in my classroom hates me. No matter what I am throwing away it won't go in. The water bottles bounce in and back out. Wads of papers bounce off the rim. Diet Coke cans accidentally hit students in the head.

Oh I kid. When I hit students in the head it is never an accident.


Now I know you are thinking that it is most likely my terrible aim and lack of athletic ability that keeps my shots from falling in, but it's more than that I tell is!

Today I threw a lid at the trash and it bounced out. One of the students said, "I don't know why you keep throwing stuff at that can. You never make it." I was almost offended when I realized he was right. So we did an experiment and I threw bottles, paper, almonds...and several other things to try and break my trashcan hex.

That's when it happened. I threw an almond at the trash can and it landed perfect balanced on the RIM of the can. It didn't fall in and it didn't fall off. It just rested there, as if it belonged. I couldn't believe my eyes. I mean I can get THAT close and it won't fall in?

That's just wrong.

So I took pictures to show you just how much my trashcan hates me.

Here is a bird's eye view of my trashcan (including my lunch...see the banana down there? It was yummy). If you look closely you will see the almond resting on the edge. I didn't put it there! I just threw the almond and that's where it landed.

And here is a close-up of my almond.

See??? The can hates me. It refuses to catch anything I throw at it! It's a curse. Or a trash conspiracy.

Come to think of it I think my softball glove was cursed too.


Anonymous said...

I would say get a new trashcan or call in an exorcist. Those are obviously the two logical choices. If neither of those work, then try throwing the softball glove in and see if that doesn't create some kind of cosmic wormhole thing to break the curse. Course I could think of a few kids it might be fun to throw in and watch bounce bout you?!?!I KID TOO!

Christy said...

Andi- I might could think of one or two (or the four that drug my child across the playground last week). Of course I would never do it.

Jax said...

LOL That's too funny....testing the, that means my children's clothes and toys are cursed no matter how many times they claim they have put them where they belong....they aren't! Very weird.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm...did you take your trashcan with you from your old school? If I remember correctly, it didn't like your trash either...hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

It's really quite simple; stop throwing away RECYCLABLES! Bottles and paper? Your garbage can is probably an environmentalist at heart, trying to protect the landfill.

LOVEd the beginning; you really caught me off guard; great job.

Christy said...

jax- maybe they are!!! I suggest hidden cameras.

rdavis- very funny. That trash can loved me and never mysteriously balanced nuts on it's rim.

half-past kissin' time- ha ha, maybe you are right! Why didn't I think of that?

joyfuljourney said...

What are you doing throwing almonds away? What - does money grow on trees at your house or something? LOL!

I know, you could trade cans with a teacher I am thinking of...she never uses hers...obviously!!

Oh, that was naughty, but I bet it made you laugh!