Thursday, March 20, 2008

I almost fainted...

when I saw this...

This is the receipt from Lauren's doctor's appointment yesterday. See the part that is circled in red? The part that says $1148.00? That was our total. They don't take insurance. I'm sure you can see why I almost fell out on the floor. I would have too, but I was afraid of what the cost of throwing my unconscious body out into the hall would be.

Cost of dumb blonde removal: $899.00.

It was the fear of extra charges that kept me on my feet. Well, that and the anticipation of driving through Dallas traffic at five o'clock. Cause I was really looking forward to that, let me tell ya.

Of course I don't really mind the money. Lauren is worth every penny. The doctor is the one that helped with her brain tumor (pituitary actually) before. He is very thorough and very good. We really like him. He isn't sure what is going on with Lauren right now so he ran LOTS of tests. He is guessing that her tumor is back and that she has cushings. We aren't sure about that yet though.

Would you guys do me another favor? Pray that God gives Lauren's doctor's the wisdom to find out exactly what is wrong and how to treat it. I promise I won't ask you to pray again (for at least five minutes).


Anonymous said...

So, are you saying she really did have a brain tumor at one time?

Jeez, you've had your share, lately, haven't you? I'll definitely keep you in my prayers..

John Deere Mom said...

I will keep you and your daughter in your prayers.
Why, or why does he not take insurance? That is absurd. Will he let you file it yourself? Good luck with everything.

Tammie said...


Luvs ya Lalauren

Christy said...

Half-past kissin' time- well it was a pituitary tumor that broke through into her spenoid sinus cavity. She also has epilepsy and has had open heart surgery. She's been through a lot.

Angie- His wife is his receptionist. She says insurance companies don't pay what he is worth. Yes, I will file it on my own and get about half of it back.

Tammie- thanks!!

Jax said...

Holy Crap! Medical expenses are ridiculous, but worth it. She is such a good kid!

Finding Normal said...

Don't forget to track your medical expenses for your taxes!
I'll be thinking about all of you!