Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Please pass the grace

On my first day back at work after my sister Shanna died a co-worker told me that the pain I felt would never, ever go away. She said it had been ten years since her father died and she still hurt just as bad today as she did on the day he died. At the time I really thought that was a terrible thing to say. I remember standing in my classroom after our conversation and praying that she was wrong.

She wasn't.

The initial shock is gone. The initial feeling of anger and denial is gone. The initial fog of confusion and loss is gone. The pain however is still there. I don't think it will ever go away. Losing someone close to you changes you...or it has changed me. It's like something deep inside me has shifted and I will never feel 'normal' again. Oh I have learned to go about my day as if nothing is wrong. I have learned to smile when people say things that should make me happy and laugh when they say things that are funny. And I do feel happiness sometimes...it's just that I feel sadness at the same time. Whatever emotion that tries to fill my heart has to fight for room next to the sadness there. My sadness is a stingy thing, it really doesn't want to let any other emotions in.

The sadness brings with it a weight. The weight is right on my heart, a very real feeling of pressure inside my chest that does not ever ease up. It is there when I eat. It is there when I teach. It is there when I watch T.V. or read a book. It's there when I lay down to sleep at night and it's there when I wake each morning. It's just there all the time. It's a heavy thing, this weight. It is so heavy that the burden of carrying it around hour after hour plum tuckers me out. By the end of a long day of teaching and acting like nothing is wrong I am exhausted. I come home and I just want to lay down and let myself cry. Of course I can't. My girls are so sensitive and Dave just wants everything to be normal. They depend on me for so much...for everything really. It is my job to keep things going around here and falling apart just isn't on the schedule.

It seems like there should be something I can do or say to make this better. I wish I could figure out what it is. I don't wish that for myself. I wish it for my mom and dad...for John and Tre...for everyone that feels this terrible sadness that won't let go. Somehow knowing they feel this way too hurts way more than feeling this way myself. I just want everything to go back to the way it was before.

I want Shanna back.

It always comes down to that thought. I want her back. Each time I think that I mentally slap myself and remind myself that I am being selfish. She suffered long enough. She is whole and healthy now. I really am thankful for that.

I am convinced that she isn't sad and missing us. I think that our time on Earth is but a blink in the span of time that is eternity. To her it will seem like mere moments from the time she arrives to the time when we join her and we will all be together again the way a family should be. Unfortunately to me each hour seems like a day...each week like a month...the past month has definately felt like a year...an awful, awful year. All I know to do is to pray for grace.

Grace to make it through each day without breaking down. Grace to be the mother, wife, daughter, aunt, sister and sister-in-law that I need to be. Grace to be the teacher my students need me to be. Grace to live my life serving God and making Him proud to call me His child.

Grace...all I need is a little grace.


Momofthree said...

Hey Christy. Please know that there are lots of people still praying for you and your family. God will give you the grace and peace that all of you need to help your family get through this. If your day is ever too 'quiet' and you need someone to talk to just to get your mind off things, etc....or if you ever need to come and vent, cry, yell, scream, eat some chocolate, just stop by my classroom anytime!!! I've cried many times in my classroom after the students are gone...that way my own children don't see me upset!!

As I watched you tend to Tre at Friday night's game, my heart ached for your family. I can't imagine what y'all have been through. He looks like a sweet, lovable little child. I just felt so sorry for him (and all the family). He is so lucky to have an awesome aunt like you in his life!

Hugs and prayers~

Jax said...

I think I feel alot of what you feel, I know your pain is so much deeper then the rest of ours, as well as your parents, your brother's,John and Tre' Bob's. I know your girls are sensitive, but I think you need to allow your self the random outbursts of tears, because she was your sister. Even if your girls don't actually understand your outbursts, and may cry with you, but as they get older they will understand, because they are sisters. Only sisters know the bond that you and Shanna had, even though with age, years, and miles we all grow apart, but with sisters... all those elements mean NOTHING. Look at the aunts...they are all very much involved with each others lives/decision making etc...even after some of them left home 40 years ago, they still have that bond. No one expects you not to mourn. But you are a devoted mother and wife, so you will go on day to day holding your head high, and choking back your outbursts.
So the only thing I can offer you from over 100 miles away is to tell you that if you feel like crying, just call me or send me an email, I will be willing to do the crying for you. Plus me being the big ol' Bawl Bag that I am...it comes easy for me theese day. =-)

Jackie said...

I believe your prayer has been answered. You just haven't realized it yet.

Grace has been passed...

Tammie said...

I've only been thru a tinge of what you are experiencing right now. It took two years before I had some sort of peace about the loss. And it all happened with hearing one verse at the right moment in time..."to die is gain and to live is Christ". For some reason that day it resonated with me...God had answered my 'healing' prayers on the gain, only at my loss.

And like you I realized that wanting them back was for selfish reasons because like the song says..."If you could see me now, I'm walking streets of gold, straight and whole. You would never want me to leave this place, if you could only see me now."

I love you and thank you for bravely sharing your heart with us!

Anonymous said...

"And I do feel happiness sometimes...it's just that I feel sadness at the same time. Whatever emotion that tries to fill my heart has to fight for room next to the sadness there. My sadness is a stingy thing, it really doesn't want to let any other emotions in." This is really beautiful; you put into words what many of us have felt. Trust me, though; your pain will soften over time. It will soften a little bit each time you experience something sweet. I remember the first time I saw a newborn baby (after we had lost Mark's dad). It felt wrong to feel good, but it was reality; life keeps going on around you. You'll feel better one day. It's early. I'm keeping you in my prayers.

P.S. And JAX is right. Your kids will benefit from seeing that pain should not be held inside and that people can cry really hard and still be okay.

Finding Normal said...

I'm praying for all of you. Peace.

Anonymous said...

So I'm late as usual, with the reading of this post. This is quite a post, beautiful & poignant. Being the music junkie I am, I use it to express my emotions and to deal with my emotions. Your lines about sadness remind me of Kenny Chesney's "Who You'd be Today." "Sunny days seem to hurt the most, I wear the pain like a heavy coat, I feel you everywhere I go..the only thing that gives me hope is I know I"ll see you again someday." The only person I've ever felt that much grief over is my grandfather, it's been 16 years and I still miss him, but it has lessened. I hope your grief over Shanna will abate with time, but that your joy about who Shanna was and your sisterhood will only grow and give you comfort when you need it. And though it may not help much know that I love you.