Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Is 'foiled again' really a saying? Or did I make that up? I have a quirky habit of mixing up words or just making up my own if I feel like it. I got that habit from my dad.

Quirky is a genetic trait (in case you didn't know).

So I was sitting in class while some students were testing and my last post popped into my brain. Specifically the line where I said, "Dang. Foiled again."

Then I tried to actually figure out what 'foiled again' meant. Which caused me to picture myself all wrapped up in foil. Not that I'd know what that looks like. Well, okay... once after watching Fried Green Tomatoes I did wrap myself up in saran wrap for Dave, but that is totally different. It is also totally too much information isn't it?

But since we are on the subject let me just discourage you from trying that because if your husband happens to be running late, let me tell ya, it's ain't pretty. In fact, it's just plain sweaty. Which as I just mentioned, ain't pretty.

Alrighty then.

Back to the question. Is 'foiled again' actually a saying? When I say it I picture that bad guy Snidely from Dudely Do Right twirling his moustache in an evil manner. Is there a non-evil way to twirl a moustache? I think not.

Okay. I have to get back to work. Now that you all see what I do when the children are in music class you might be afraid for the educational standards of our school. Well, fear not dear readers, for I am the only goober on the staff.

You can breathe easy now (unless you wrap yourself in saran wrap cause then it's almost impossible to take a deep breath).


John Deere Mom said...

Because I am also a big goober, I had to look it up to find the exact meaning. Here is what I found.

foiled, foil·ing, foils
To prevent from being successful; thwart.
To obscure or confuse (a trail or scent) so as to evade pursuers. It comes from the Middle English word foilen: to trample, defile.

There, you can rest well tonight. :)

Jax said...

Well, you are way better then me, because I would of spelled it FOOLED but pronounced it FOILED.

Anonymous said...

For some reason it reminds me of Batman. Maybe I'm thinking of the Joker. Or maybe it's that they say goofy things like "Egads Batman!" Who says "Egads?" Well, I probably will sometime in the near future just for the fun of it.

Marty Devine said...

Absolutely that is a correcct phrase. Quite often it is often used with "Curses", as in "Curses! Foiled again!"

Here's a somewhat dubious link to a citation of the phrase.