Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Meme about my man

What is his name? David
How long have you been married? 16 years
How long did you date? 2 years
How old is he? 40
How old are you? 34
Who eats more sweets? He does (well I eat more once a month when I am scarfin' the chocolate)
Who is taller? He is 8 inches taller than I am.
Who can sing better? Oh my goodness he does (you can't even call what I do singing).
Who is smarter? Ummm...I'd have to say he is.
Who does the laundry? He helps me do it on Sundays.
Who does the dishes? Always me.
His guilty pleasure? Dave never feels guilty about anything.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? That would be me.
Who cooks dinner? Again always me (in sixteen years he hasn't cooked once).
Who is more stubborn? He is.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me first (I was looking up and babbling about the stars and he said, 'You talk too much' and then he kissed me).
Who asked who out first? It was a blind date (my very first date) (thank you Uncle James!!).
Who proposed? He did.
Who has more siblings? I do (I have a brother and Shanna and he has a sister).
Who wears the pants? Oh definitely him (and I wouldn't have it any other way).
What is your favorite thing about him? I'd tell you, but I swore off dirty posts after the Pablo fiasco.


Jax said...

Seriously he hasn't ever cooked? WOW! Scotty cooks on occassion, but be prepared he only knows how to cook hamburger helper or chili dogs, so you never want him cooking more then twice a week! LOL

Tammie said...

you youngun'