Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I have to do something kinda hard. I have been putting it off and I really can't put it off any longer. You see I was planning to donate a kidney to someone this summer. Her name is Kelly Bach and she lives in Arizona. I don't know her at all, but I read about her over at Boo Mama and Big Mama and was touched by her story. She is a mother of two who desperately needs a kidney. My blood type is O+ (universal blood type) so I knew I was a possible match. I prayed about it for a few days, talked to my family about it and then called the donor center. I talked to the nicest lady (Julie-the live donor coordinator) and we did all the preliminary stuff to get the process started. I asked her to not notify Kelly until we knew if I was a match. I didn't want her to be disappointed if things didn't work out. Then she called my doctor (I guess...she said she was going to) and sent out a kit so that I could send back the neccessary info and blood to see if Kelly and I were a match. A few days went by and I anxiously checked the mail for my kit and prayed that I would be able to help.

Then my baby sister passed away. Obviously that complicated things. I honest to goodness wasn't worried about the risk before she died. Actually I'm still not that worried. It's my mom I am worried about. She was okay with me doing this before, but I know that now it would be so scary for her to see one of her remaining two children doing something that could risk their lives. Especially if it was me because she loves me more than she loves my brother Chad (I'm just kidding Chaddy!).

So to make a long story short I told my mother I wouldn't do it. I felt like that was the right decision when I told her that and I still feel like it is the right decision. I can't put my mom through that right now. It would be way too hard. I am praying really hard that Kelly finds another donor. Really the chances of me being a match were slim, but I really did want to help if I could. Now I am very afraid she won't find a kidney in time and her children and husband will be feeling the pain my family is feeling now.

I guess all I can do is suck it up and make the "I am a weenie and I am backing out call", pray that Kelly finds a donor and ask you all to pray about it too.


Anonymous said...

I'll certainly keep Kelly and her family in my prayers...thanks for letting me know.

John Deere Mom said...

Christy, what a selfless thing to consider...which is more than most people would do. I think you are being brave and strong for your family, who need you.

Jackie said...

Sweet Christy! Being a mom of two beautiful daughters, I admire and applaud you for your consideration of your mom's feelings. It's a difficult situation...just the stress of having to 'back out' of a so-called commitment. But God will make it an easy one. He'll take care....Love you!