Thursday, April 3, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I took Brookie and her friend 'C' to see High School Musical on ice last night. We ended up with front row seats on the floor (don't ask me how, I didn't even get tickets until two days before the show). They had a really good time watching the show and I had a really good time watching them enjoy themselves. I also had a really good time listening to them talk. Here are a few snippets from their conversations:

The elaborate plan for a first kiss...

C: Here is my plan. I will take him to a Chinese restaurant that looks like we are really China. Then I will lean down and I will tell him I have a secret. But only the trick is, I won't really have one. Then when he leans close to me to hear my fake secret I am going to kiss him right on his cheek. And then I am going to be the happiest girl alive.

On having children...

C: I think we should move in together when we grow up because we can't marry anybody.

B: Why can't we?

C: Because if we get married we will have to have babies and I want to avoid that whole baby making thing.

B Why?

C: Because it's gross, that's why. And if I did get married I would tell him right off that we won't be doing that so just back off mister.

B: Doing what?

C: Making babies. You aren't listening to a word I say are you? Anyway, where do you want to live?

B: By Sea World.

C: Fine. We will live in San Francisco.

B: I think you mean San Antonio.

C: Whatever. And I could have all the cats I want and you could have all the dogs you want. And when they had babies there would be no mean mom and dad to tell us to give them away because we could do anything we want. Either that or we could live in Hollywood, New York. That would be cool too.

On screaming at the top of your lungs...

C: Wow that felt good!

Me: What did?

C: Screaming. They never let me do that at home.

On Half-Naked Men...

Me: What was your favorite part?

C: I liked all the parts with Troy and Gabriela.

Me: Me too. What about you Brookie?

B: Well...ummm...don't be mad, but my favorite part was the part where Troy took his shirt off.

Me: You said you didn't like this Troy because he wasn't as cute as the one on the movie.

B: That was before he took his shirt off.

Me: Oh.

Me again a few moments later: Hey Brookie?

B: What?

Me: You can't date 'til you are ninety.


Jax said...

HAHAHAHA! Chineese Resturant....good thinking!

Marty Devine said...

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?

joyfuljourney said...

These girls make me laugh!!! Everytime C comes over, I have a whole new arsenal of stories to share!

I love that they are independent and not afraid to express their opinions.

The boys better watch out! They have a challenge with these two!

Anonymous said...

As the mother of one of the boys I am enjoying the "challenges" the girls inflict upon the boys.

At my house, last Sunday, I yelled "No kissing" at least 3 times.

Thank goodness I don't have a chinese theme going on in my house.